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Eblasts / Marketing Emails

Branding /Messaging

Press Releases

Freelance work

Written for snack box subscription service, Universal Yums, these product descriptions redefine the idea of playing with your food — and might just have you heading to the vending machine.

music Reviews

You know the old adage: if you can't play an instrument, torture musicians by writing about their music. I jest. Writing album and show reviews was some of the most fun I've ever had. It pushed me creatively and introduced me to some really fantastic bands. To those about to read, I salute you.

hard news

Ok, these clips are old. BUT. They exist. And, I'm proud of them. I was able to accomplish a decent amount as 20-something, so while the news may be out of date, it's important to know that I still have the chops. A sampling from my days at the New York Daily News and The Daily Californian.

All content, words, and images are owned and copyrighted by erin m. Gallagher, ©2023. They are not yours. Don't Take them. Seriously.

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